Lifebreath TFP3000 HEPA Air Cleaner (7" Collar Mount Model)
Lifebreath Turbulent Flow Precipitator (TFP3000) Air Cleaner offers particle-removing performance similar to the most sophisticated systems used in hospitals, laboratories and industry. It will purify the air in an average-size house at least 10 times every day.
Five reasons to choose the TFP:
1. Lifebreath removes health-threatening particles from the air far more effectively than other residential air cleaners.
2. Lowest maintenance air cleaner available. Check-up required only once a year.
3. It cleans the air throughout your home, benefiting everyone in the family, all the time.
4. It allows air to circulate freely without putting any extra load on your air distribution system.
5. Unlike electronic air cleaners, Lifebreath does not generate any poisonous ozone which attacks your lungs.
Lifebreath repacement TFP3000 collector. Recommended replacement annually.
Lifebreath replacement TFP3000 HEPA filter. Recommended replacement every 2-3 years.